A century from NYC to Beacon taking a direct, hilly route through Rockland County, including Little Tor & Gate Hill Rds into Harriman State Park and Orange County. Continuing past Tuxedo via back roads with climbs to Sugar Loaf and Goshen. Return from Goshen via the relatively flat Sara Wells Trail. If you have never been in this part of Orange County, it is certainly an interesting region, worth exploring. Route shows stops in Mt. Ivy, w/Gate Hill climb to follow. W. Nyack may be preferable. Valero's on 17 N at Southfields and S (Tuxedo) of Rt106 if needed. Goshen has deli’s and a bakery. * As of June 2010, there is no food or fluid stop in the town of Sugar Loaf. Alternate return through Monroe saves 15 miles, avoids Sugar Loaf and Goshen climbs. Has a bit of traffic around Monroe, but takes the lovely Rts 9 and 79 to rejoin main route at Vails Gate.
Author: Fred Steinberg
HS 3/26/15; cw 11/21/23
Roboviva Cue Sheet: snuggl.es/roboviva/routes/7274276