The design of the route, changing direction every ten miles (or so), was great for this event. Just when you’ve had enough of the headwind you turn and get some relief. There is one stretch of road that needs to be paved. But other than that, great route for this event.
Traits: Low Traffic, Safe Bike Lanes and Shoulders, Scenic, Great Terrain
Activity: Road Ride, Sanctioned Event
Fairly smooth roads (except in Alachua County), many miles with wide paved shoulders, many miles with low traffic and respectful drivers, well stocked rest stops about every 15 miles.
Traits: Low Traffic, Safe Bike Lanes and Shoulders, Scenic, Great Terrain
Activity: Road Ride, Sanctioned Event
Watermelon (but only if you ride it during the Tour de Melon the first Saturday of June),
Road surfaces vary from silky smooth with fresh pavement to slightly rough to nasty (stretch in Alachua County where you have to ride in the middle of the lane to avoid potholes).