This is the Crazy Kicker 100 37-mile route that includes the Three Sisters Hills on SH 337 north to Graford. You then come back down FM Road 4 over the Brazos River to Palo Pinto, then return to Mineral Wells. A beautiful ride.
Mineral Wells, TXPublic (1,522 views)Created Aug 20, 2018Updated Oct 18, 20241 review
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Super nice people running this event, but the traffic on 180 and 337 is dangerous and frightening. Lots more growth out here means significantly more traffic than there used to be. And everyone seems impatient. I can't recommend the route.
39.3 miles · +1,532 ft / -1,534 ft
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drag to zoom indistance in miles3530252015105ele (ft)1.2k1k800
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