With two rivers and a lake in the heart of our town, there are some amazing bridges to be crossed. On this epic ride you’ll cross ten of them (a few multiple times, and eight of which are pedestrian/bike-only), as well as enjoy five city parks, ride through two tunnels, and see many sights along the way. First stop is the iconic S-bridge over the Eau Claire River alongside the historic Banbury Place (the old Uniroyal Tire Factory), and a short ride to cross the footbridge to loop around Boyd Park. Then it’s back downtown to Phoenix Park to cross the rail bridge there, and past two local breweries on your way to the sweeping views of the High Bridge, overlooking the Chippewa River and the dam at the Cascade paper plant. Ride back down into Phoenix Park, across the river again, and make your way through the trail tunnel to eventually cross the land bridge over Half Moon Lake for a stroll through the wooded Carson Park. Then it’s off to yet another incredible rail trail bridge (your fourth at this point) and a ride down what is arguably the most beautiful stretch of urban trail along the Chippewa River and into the Water Street District. Now its up to cross the footbridge onto the beautiful UW-Eau Claire campus where you’ll find the heavily wooded gravel trail of Putnam Drive and its iconic tunnel under State Street. Soon you’ll pop out in the historic Third Ward neighborhood where you’ll make your way back to campus to cross again, then ride through Owen Park to the Grand Avenue District to traverse yet another pedestrian bridge to Haymarket Plaza and the Pablo Arts Center. There you’ll make your final river crossing on the arch bridge over the Eau Claire River before returning back to The Local Store. Whew!