First day back in the office since the start of January, first day of O-week and we're all supposedly sufficiently vaccinated with low case numbers that its safe to return. Have I got everything? Clothes, d-lock, new work shoes, lunch, the bag weighs a tonne so anything I haven't got can come in tomorrow
Down the Djerring trail to Clayton and up the Kanooka grove hill. Is there a hint of autumn in the air? Some things never change, the woman in the SUV tearing up Browns road ignoring the give-way sign at the bike path, the cars queueing head-on down the contra-flow bike lane on Dandenong road... council are 'aware of the problem' but stuff-all is done about it
Scattered clouds, 15°C, Feels like 14°C, Humidity 72%, Wind 1m/s from SE - by