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Started with Pete, Judy, Jeff and Doug, for a short way, and Judy went by me on the first little climb (steepest part near the top was 6.5%, where I was doing 8.3 mph) before we descended to Moreno. I caught them shortly after the turn onto Alessandro Blvd. I went by them at the big mud-puddle on Jack Rabbit Trail while Judy was working with the plastic bags they provided to avoid problems with the mud affecting people's cleats. I saw Margaret riding with someone (Bob?) on the freeway on the way to Benton, and then at the rest stop there. I thought I'd ride with her, but then I left the rest stop thinking she had already left and I was ahead of her; when I reached the top of Oak Glen I turned around for some extra credit and Judy, Jeff and Pete were on their way up; I saw Margaret a little further down the hill and rode the rest of the day with her; we picked up Sybil at Mill Creek Ranger Station for the rest of the way to Angeles Oaks. Sybil descended ahead of Margaret, and I did not catch Margaret on the descent until we made it back to Mill Creek Ranger Station, but we connected again with Sybil in Beaumont, and I pulled through the headwind on our return. It was downhill (-1.4% grade), but with the wind it didn't exactly feel like it was downhill. I did not have my Garmin, and was using my phone to navigate, but I could not hear the phone due to the wind noise and I missed our turn to the finish and added 2.8 bonus miles to the ride. Fortunately, everyone was a good sport about it.
I was fine when I arrived at Angeles Oaks, but while standing around drinking a Coke while the gals were putting on cold weather gear I began to get chilled and had to put on my stuff, too. I told Sybil that they should go ahead when ready...but I was still surprised I did not catch them on the way down to Mill Creek Ranger Station; I fairly flew down the mountain, but I did stop to check things out where David Slaton and Tiger had stopped for a cyclist with some kind of problem.
After the Beaumont stop on the return, Sybil had a flat and Frank stopped and provided a new inner-tube, a floor pump, and some expertise in using a Fig Newton rapper as a boot.
By: | |
Started in: | Redlands, CA, US |
Distance: | 110.5 mi |
Selected: | 110.5 mi |
Elevation: | + 10837 / - 10800 ft |
Moving Time: | 08:24:21 |
Page Views: | 175 |
Departed: | May 7, 2016, 6:51 am |
Starts in: | Redlands, CA, US |
Distance: | 110.5 mi |
Selected distance: | 110.5 mi |
Elevation: | + 10837 / - 10800 ft |
Max Grade: | |
Avg Grade | |
Cat | |
VAM | |
Ascent time | |
Descent time | |
Total Duration: | 10:19:53 |
Selection Duration: | 37193 |
Moving Time: | 08:24:21 |
Selection Moving Time: | 08:24:21 |
Stopped Time: | 01:55:32 |
Calories: | 5360 |
Max Watts: | |
Avg Watts: | 158 |
WR Power | |
Work | |
Max Speed: | 48.8 mph |
Avg Speed: | 13.1 mph |
Pace: | 00:05:36 |
Moving Pace: | 00:04:33 |
Best format for turn-by-turn directions on modern Garmin Edge Devices
Best format for turn by turn directions on Edge 500, 510. Will provide true turn by turn navigation on Edge 800, 810, 1000, Touring including custom cue entries. Great for training when we release those features. Not currently optimal for Virtual Partner.
Useful for uploading your activity to another service, keeping records on your own computer etc.
Useful for any GPS unit. Contains no cuesheet entries, only track information (breadcrumb trail). Will provide turn by turn directions (true navigation) on the Edge 705/800/810/1000/Touring, but will not have any custom cues. Works great for Mio Cyclo. Find GPS specific help in our help system.
Estimated Time shows a prediction of how long it would take you to ride a given route. This number is based on your recent riding history, and represents an estimate of moving time. Each time you upload a new ride, your Estimated Time profile will adjust to reflect your most recent riding. Only rides exceeding 10 miles (16 km) will affect these estimates.
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