Steens Mountain - OB Edition

Harney, OR, US

Route Overview

VeloDirt & Oregon Bikepacking

Oregon Adventure Riding

276 mi.
11,609 ft.

This is one of the most beautiful rides anywhere, Oregon included. The desert, the magical vistas, the long expansive stretches of gravel, this route has it all.

Route Details

Steens Mountain is one of the most spectacular places anywhere. The dramatic rise of this fault block mountain above the surrounding landscape and its impact on the topography, including the Alvord Desert and the Malhuer Wildlife Refuge, makes for an unforgettable experience. Starting in Frenchglen, you’ll get to completely circumnavigate the mountain, adding in hot springs, our usual flavor of remote gravel riding, and a little taste of classic Americana as you pass through Fields.


  • This route falls a little closer on the spectrum toward road touring than we typically ride. However, it continues to be one of our all time favorite routes for all kinds of reasons and it deserves more attention. And technically, if you’re riding the 60-mile mountain loop road we think there’s enough dirt, gravel, and rough riding to justify calling this a “bikepacking” route.

  • This is one of those routes that blurs the line between touring and bikepacking. Ultimately, there is no perfect bike for this route and we aren’t going to strongly suggest one bike over another. Cross bike, touring bike, bikepacking rig – it’ll all work – you just have to pick your poison. Overall, the route is about 50% dirt.

  • One of the primary considerations for riding this route is the weather. There is almost no shade on the route and very limited water access. Consider both when planning when to ride. Spring and Fall are typically best, but keep in mind that the mountain loop road is only open a couple months of the year.


You can get the full route details and lots more additional information at Oregon Bikepacking.

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