Skull 120 Gravel Grind Race Route

Burns, OR, US


Renaissance Cyclist

Insights to Inspire Adventure, Stewardship & Community

199 km
2.858 m

Rugged | Remote | Adventure

Harney County is home to endless opportunity for the self-sufficient backcountry traveler. Visitors who seek challenge & solitude will find these in abundance.

The Skull 120 Gravel Grind route highlights the county's rugged character which sets rural #EasternOregon apart from the rest of the nation.

Skull 120 total mileage = 123
Gravel Surface = 63.6 / 52%
Natural Surface = 15.6 / 13%
Pavement = 43.4 / 35%
Elevation Gain = 9,737 ft.
Average Grade = 2.7%
Max Grade = 13.6%
Includes 32 Cattleguards



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