Mountain of the Rogue

Jackson County, OR, US

Aperçu de l'itinéraire

16 km
583 m

Mountain of the Rogue may be the best trail system right off a major interstate, just minutes from I-5. The network is designed to provide something for everyone, with fun, flowy trails down low and rocky, techy trails up high. You can choose your own adventure depending on your skill level, timeframe, and desire for climbing. If you’re with the family then multiple laps down low is your game; if you want to test your ability to navigate narrow, exposed tread then you’ll want to head to the upper routes. Most of the trails are directional which means that even if the trailhead is crowded you’re unlikely to encounter many people once you start climbing. Afterwards, food and drinks are mere minutes away in Rogue River, as well as a quick dip in the namesake waterway.

Détails de l'itinéraire

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