KCRI-09. KC Airport (MCI) or Downtown Amtrak Station to Rock Island/Katy Trail LS BIDIRECTIONAL (51 miles)

Kansas City, MO, US


Missouri Bicycle & Pedestrian Federation

Road, trail, gravel, touring, and bikepacking routes in and around the state of Missouri

162 km
1.441 m

A low-traffic, low-stress route from the Kansas City International Airport and KC Amtrak Station to the 300+ mile Rock Island Trail/Katy Trail system. 52 miles, bidirectional (ride it either direction).

The easiest/best/lowest traffic/most scenic way to connect from the airport/Amtrak to the Rock Island Trail--but also a tour through the heart of the culture, history, art, scenery, food, BBQ, breweries, and fun that make KC a great place to visit and live!

This is a RideWithGPS Ambassador Route - find out more about route details and features on its Ambassador page: https://ridewithgps.com/ambassador_routes/1923-kcri-09-kc-airport-amtrak-to-rock-island



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