La Doyenne - 2024

Portland, OR, US

Route Overview

The PDX Classics - Chasing Lions

Challenging Portland area urban, suburban and rural (mostly) road cycling routes focused on hard climbs and cool discoveries

49 mi.
7,439 ft.

De Ronde van Oost Portlandia
Voeden de leeuwen

More barkchips. More cowbelll.

May 19, 2024. 9 AM
9898 SE Knapp St.
RSVP Here:

Route Details

La Doyenne

De Ronde Van Oost Portlandia

May 22, 2022. 9 AM Start

9898 SE Knapp St. Portland

Completely Redesigned course for 2022.

Located just off the Springwater Corridor & I-205 Multi Use Path near the SE Flavel St MAX station, over 8000 ft of punchy climbs up and around Mt Scott & Scouters Mountain await you.


Sincerest thanks to BR and HG for first inspiring the creation of La Doyenne then helping make it an annual event, not just a map.

AS for creating La Doyenne.

JHR kicking off the route refresh and CV for final influence.

Press & Praise

“You should always believe what you read in the newspapers, for that makes them more interesting” ~ Rose McCaulay

2015 BikePortland - "unrelentingly steep" & "breathtaking"

2015 BikePortland - "Portland's Toughest Weekend of Cycling"

2014 BikePortland - "Even More Free Suffering"

2014 The Oregonian - "To Look Up is to Lose Your Will to Live"

2013 The Oregonian - "Not for the Faint of Leg"

Important Notes, Requisite Caveats & Disclaimers:

  • This is a self-supported, unsanctioned group ride
  • This is a 100% open course on public roads, open to cars and automobile traffic. Riders agree to RIDE AT THEIR OWN RISK. You and ONLY you will be responsible for navigating hazards as they relate to traffic, roads, general safety and weather conditions. Riders are absolutely under their own responsibility to ride, navigate and conduct themselves safely and appropriate to conditions as they exist in the field. This is not a race or an organized event. On the contrary, we are and have always been just a nice group of friends out for a tough fun bike ride.
  • Riders understand that as a condition of'showing up', riders agree to assume all risks and agree to release and hold harmless everyone associated with this ride, including any organizers, volunteers or sponsors.

Other routes by The PDX Classics - Chasing Lions