Mont Ventoux, lived up to its name. Huge gusts of 60mph.

Sault, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, FR


Debra Kennedy

Pyrénées Cycling

26 km
1.230 m

Some call the Mont Ventoux Sault route “Ventoux-lite”. We prefer to call it the connoisseur's route. If you’ve ridden Bédoin and are looking to your next ascent of Mont Ventoux, this is the route we’d suggest next.

Sault-Mont Ventoux is longer, and the gradients are much less severe than the Bédoin and Malaucène routes.

You’ll get fewer bragging rights if you ride up this way, but on the plus side, you also get far-reaching views and (in season) unforgettable lavender fields. It’s also far quieter, both in cars and other cyclists.



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