Prescott & River Falls (70 miles)

Stillwater, MN, US

Aperçu de l'itinéraire

Chilkoot Velo Cycling Club

Rides in the St Croix River Valley area, centered around Stillwater, Minnesota.

109 km
900 m

For higher-end self-supporting riders... stretch yourselves to reach the southern-most bridge of our options via Afton and across from Minnesota to Wisconsin into Prescott. Visit the “Great River Road Visitor & Learning Center” with its phenomenal bluff overlook. Then, test your legs on the rolling Wisconsin hills up through River Falls, back alongside the flat trails alongside the St Croix River in Hudson, to prepare you for a 2-mile climb up scenic Trout Brook Road along the west boundary of Willow River State Park, then back to Houlton, and the steep descent into downtown Stillwater across the historic lift bridge.

Détails de l'itinéraire

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