Salzburg Classic: The Hills Are Alive - Eugendorf/Haunsberg

Salzburg, Salzburg, AT

Panoramica del percorso

Seth Patla

Specialty: long beautiful rides!

48 km
603 m

This is a splendid route with some climbing that highlights the hills and farms north of Salzburg. The majority of this route is in the open or with south-facing exposure, making it an ideal route when weather is cooler. None of this route is on well-travelled roads: the bike paths are great and the majority of the roads used are paved farm roads. The out and back to the top of the Haunsberg is worth it for the views: great panorama. The descent off the Haunsberg is the steepest part of the route, but isn't technical. The reverse of this route is really nice as well, but going anti-clockwise eliminates any very steep climbing.

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