King City 102 km

King City, Ontario, CA

Route Overview

64 mi.
2,023 ft.

Country riding at its best. Quite roads, good sized rollers, open farmland vistas, horse farms and good food at the end of the day. This marquee route in Southern Ontario is not to be missed.

Route Details


There's little time for warm up on this route. The northward ride out of King City takes you right up Keele St. and straight into hill country. The roads directly out of King City is not too bad, but once you get north of Sideroad 15 the hills come hard and fast. Personally, I love this part of Keele St. The hills are not too big, but just big enough to give you a feel of climbing. This hilly section of Keele only lasts for about 11 km's then you turn left onto Kettleby Rd. which takes you through the beautiful hamlet of Kettleby.

Once outside of Kettleby you will cross over Hwy. 400 and continue west along Lloydtown Aurora Rd. which is quite busy until it crosses Hwy 27, where it becomes Sideroad 19. Here you are firmly back onto country roads. This section of busy road is about 7 km's in length. When you come into the village of Lloydtown be sure not to miss the left hand turn that keeps you on Sideroad 19. This turn is easy to miss. Soon you'll turn left onto Concession Rd. 11 where you'll be met with rolling terrain. The right hand turn onto Sideroad 17/Castleberg Side Rd. will bring much of the same.

You are now at the lower end of Caledon Mountain. Your right turn onto Duffy's Rd. will start you on an uphill course to the top. You basically climb the mountain on Humber Station, speed down the Gore Rd. and then climb back up Centreville Creek Rd. where you'll be met with a stiff climb near the top. This section is meant to be a hill repeat. Take heart in knowing that the bigger climbs on Caledon Mountain are further to the west. This is the easy end.

Once at the top for a second time you will descend Innis Lake Rd. and start your return journey back to your car. Once south of Castlederg Side Rd. the route flattens out. You'll turn left onto Healy Rd. and then onto Coleraine (an ugly, industrial road, but neccesary for the route) which takes you straight through Bolton. Here you can stock up on food and water as there is still 20 km to go. Be careful cycling through Bolton on the 3 km stretch of King St. as it can get quite busy. The turn right onto Concession Rd. 10 will bring you back into the security of country riding. There is really only one obstacle left that will give you any concern and that is the little climb out of the valley on King Vaughn Rd. The steepest section here tops out at 14%. Not to worry though it's fairly short. Once you top out it's fairly standard riding all the way back to Keele St. and King City.

The short trip back up Keels St. is on a very busy road so please use caution. This area is known for its cycling so motorists are used to having cyclists share the road. I've never had a problem. There is a fairly descent shoulder for your safety. This section of busy road is short at only 2.0 km.