Hills and buggies

Saint Mary's County, MD, US

Route Overview

Patuxent Velo Cycling

Road cycling in St Mary's and Calvert Counties MD

55 mi.
1,751 ft.

Yes, we do have a few hills here, including the 20+% grade of Locke's Hill. This route takes you through 55 miles of rolling countryside. Ride ends with a loop through Amish/Mennonite country.

Route Details

Yes, we do have hills in this county. No epic climbs, but our numerous short climbs will challenge you. This route is completely paved, but requires a moderate level of fitness. Start/finish point is John Baggett Park in Laurel Grove. It has plenty of parking, and offers real bathrooms from mid-Spring through mid-Fall, with a port-a-potty in winter. No cost.

Starts out on the Three Notch Trail. This is reclaimed railroad. The good news: it's 8' wide, paved, flat, and has no motorized vehicles. The bad news: acorns and gumballs can puncture your tyres, and there are other people on the trail. Pedestrians (some with dogs or perambulators), runners, skaters, and bike-riders all use this trail. You'll be the fastest vehicle on the trail: be cautious and patient. Be double-extra-cautious going across Morganza Turner Road.

After safely crossing Rt 235 on Flora Corner Rd, I introduce you to some hills. First New Market Turner Road, then Locke's Hill Rd with the steepest paved road in the county at 20+%. I have to take you along Rt 235 for awhile, but at least you have a wide shoulder. All Faiths Church Rd has new pavement on it. Back on the Three Notch Trail, and then Mechanicsville Rd takes you into Amish/Mennonite country. If you can get past the smell of the fried chicken (seriously, some of the best on planet) at Chaptico Market, I take you into the very rural 7th District- look for Rivendell Rd, home of the elves. Manor Rd brings you past a butterfly maze and back to civilization. The climb on Colton's Point Rd brings you close to Chopticon High School (home of the 72,000 ladybug senior prank), but I take you past an alpaca farm instead. Then it's into Amish/Mennonite country for the final loop before you return to John Baggett Park.

Notable climbs:

St Mary's County Tourism

Important Reminders

Amish/Mennonite country. They are almost universally friendly people. These are our neighbors; they are not actors or freaks. Please do not take photographs of Amish/Mennonites where a person could be identified- that violates their interpretation of the 2nd Commandment prohibition on graven images. Sometimes a buggy driver will try to race you- humor them.

Buggy-wide shoulders. We have plenty of them,and they're great for cycling. In Amish/Mennonite country, stay on the left or right sides of the shoulder. That's where the buggy wheels go, and it's smooth pavement. Avoid the center of the shoulder- that's where the horse's hooves go, so it's rougher pavement. It's also where the horse exhaust goes, but you can figure that out for yourself.

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