Hills and buggies |
Road cycling in St Mary's and Calvert Counties MD
Yes, we do have a few hills here, including the 20+% grade of Locke's Hill. This route takes you through 55 miles of rolling countryside. Ride ends with a loop through Amish/Mennonite country.
Road cycling in St Mary's and Calvert Counties MD
Loop travels through beautiful countryside to historic St Mary's City, first capital of Maryland, and campus of St Mary's College of Maryland. Just under 10 miles, relatively easy.
Loop travels through beautiful countryside to historic St Mary's City, first capital of Maryland, and campus of St Mary's College of Maryland. Just under 10 miles, relatively easy. (less)
Road cycling in St Mary's and Calvert Counties MD
Take in War of 1812 and Civil War history, cycle past tobacco barns and historic churches. 26 miles through rural 7th District. Mid ride rest stop with real bathrooms.
Take in War of 1812 and Civil War history, cycle past tobacco barns and historic churches. 26 miles through rural 7th District. Mid ride rest stop with real bathrooms. (less)
Road cycling in St Mary's and Calvert Counties MD
Park at 7th District Community Park, which has real bathrooms. Except for start and finish, rout... more
Park at 7th District Community Park, which has real bathrooms. Except for start and finish, route is very flat. Loop travels through beautiful countryside to historic Port Wicomico and a view of St Clements Island, where Maryland was founded in 1634. (less)
Park at 7th District Community Park, which has real bathrooms. Except for start and finish, route is very flat. Loop travels through beautiful countryside to historic Port Wicomico and a view of St Clement...more
Park at 7th District Community Park, which has real bathrooms. Except for start and finish, route is very flat. Loop travels through beautiful countryside to historic Port Wicomico and a view of St Clements Island, where Maryland was founded in 1634. (less)
Road cycling in St Mary's and Calvert Counties MD
The ~50 mile course in Calvert County that OUJB, JDH, and others led. Beautiful farmland and rolling hills, mostly on lightly traveled roads.
The ~50 mile course in Calvert County that OUJB, JDH, and others led. Beautiful farmland and rolling hills, mostly on lightly traveled roads. (less)
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