Sun Valley Family Cruise

Sun Valley, ID


Sun Valley Adventures

Sawtooth Mountain Cycling For Everyone


This is a great loop to experience both the scenery of the area, and the town itself. You'll spend almost the entire time on the Sun Valley and Wood River Pedestrian trails, and it you can ride this in either direction. There's no reason to drive around town, so bring your bike.

If starting in the morning, we like to start from Java On Fourth (order the bowl of soul, you won't regret it). Or we like to have lunch at Johnny G's Sub Shack and then head out. There's a little bit of climbing around Elkhorn Village, but it's not so bad, and the views aren't so bad either. Don't forget to take a picture with your bike under the Eat More Lamb sign.

Eat, Drink, and Do

Everyone is super friendly around town, and you'll see plenty of bikers all over the pedestrian paths.

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