Charles City, VA, US

Route Overview

25 mi.
904 ft.

This ride features most of the unique and historic plantations along the James River and in rural Charles City County. A side trip at River’s Rest Marina reveals the beauty of the Chickahominy River.

Route Details


This ride is filled with points of interest! It starts at the historic Charles City Courthouse, one of Virginia’s earliest courthouses, built in the 1730s. Charles City Courthouse was the scene for battles during the Revolutionary and Civil Wars.

In addition, you’ll cycle by most of the unique and historic plantations along the James River between Richmond and Jamestown. These plantations illustrate agricultural life in Virginia during the 1600s to 1800s. Guided tours are available for many of these magnificent homes, once owned by Virginia’s elite planters. For more information, refer to:

You’ll begin your ride at the Charles City Courthouse trailhead on the Virginia Capital Trail. In less than a mile on the Virginia Capital Trail, you’ll see the signs for Belle Aire Plantation. A better view of the property is afforded when you turn left onto The Glebe Lane.

While riding the nine miles on The Glebe Lane you’ll pass vast fields of corn, cotton, sorghum, soybeans and wheat. The next plantation you’ll reach is Piney Grove at Southall’s where you can do a self-guided tour of the property and outbuildings.

Consider taking a side-trip at mile 10.4 to River’s Rest Marina. In less than a mile's ride, you can enjoy expansive views of the Chickahominy River and dine at the Blue Heron Restaurant during operating hours.

At mile 15.6 you’ll rejoin the Virginia Capital Trail. You may encounter cross-country cyclists riding on Bicycle Route 76, whose eastern endpoint is Yorktown, Virginia. This section of the Virginia Capital Trail is very scenic. It features many wooden bridges over tidal marshes and James River tributaries, dense forests and open farmland.

As you ride imagine life on the historic plantations once owned by Virginia’s elite planters from the 1600s to 1800s. Expand your knowledge by visiting four plantations that are National Historic Landmarks. At mile 21.4 you’ll see the entrance to Sherwood Forest Plantation, home of former President John Tyler. At mile 23.5 you can take a side trip down Weyanoke Road, home to three more plantations: Kittiewan, North Bend and Upper Weyanoke.

Take a break at Haupt’s Country Store at mile 24.3. Or at the end of your ride you can join other cyclists at Cul’s Courthouse Grille. Cul and his crew love cyclists and have indoor and outside seating, bike racks, a bike self-repair station, and restrooms available.

Cycling Adventures Along the Virginia Capital Trail

For more adventures, check out my guide book here!

Other routes by Road-Tested Bike Tours, LLC