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Einfache Tools für die Routenplanung und Aufzeichnung von Fahrten.

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  • Zeichne deine Fahrt auf
  • Erstelle deine eigenen Routen
  • Erstelle deine Ziele
  • Erstelle deine Sammlungen
  • Hochladen und Synchronisieren von GPS-Geräten
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$9.99 monatl. / $79.99 jährl.

Werden Sie Teil der Gemeinschaft, die unser gesamtes Paket der vertrauenswürdigsten und intuitivsten Planungs- und Navigationstools der Welt nutzt. Mit Premium sind Sie nur wenige Klicks davon entfernt, öfter bessere Fahrten zu unternehmen.

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Created with Sketch.

Was unsere Community meint

  • Dylan
    Love the app. It is easily the best planning tool out there. I don’t use anything else.
  • Mick O
    Addicted to Ride with GPS. They have been adding features like crazy. Really digging all of it.
  • Jason
    I've been using Ride with GPS for at least seven years. I've never had any issues. I've tried other programs and IMO this is by far the best. It's gotten me to and back from some very desolate places.
  • Margaret
    I've been using it for a few years now & it is the only way I'll ever travel & ride. You can create a route, add custom cues, then save it and voila, you have a personal guide in your pack telling you where to turn.
Mehr von unserer Community sehen
Tools für das Planen einfacher Routen und das Aufzeichnen von Fahrten.
$9.99 monatl. / $79.99 jährl.
Alle unsere Web- und Mobiltools zum Planen hochwertiger Routen, zur Massenverwaltung Ihrer Daten und zum vertrauensvollen Navigieren.
$7.99 monatl. / $59.99 jährl.
Alle unsere mobilen Planungs- und Navigationstools sowie unsere kostenfreien webbasierten Tools.
Erstelle deine eigenen Routen Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch.
Aktivitätsaufzeichnung in unserer mobilen App Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch.
Globale Heatmap zur Erfassung von Aktivitäten Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch.
Verwalten Sie Routen und Fahrten in Sammlungen Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch.
Automatische Synchronisierung mit Ihrem Garmin Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch.
Erstellen und Teilen Sie Fahrtberichte Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch.
Gesprochene Abbiegehinweise und Navigationshilfe mit unserer mobilen App Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch.
Mobiler Routenplaner Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch.
Globale Heatmap in unserem mobilen Routenplaner Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch.
Echtzeit-Standortbestimmung mit unserer mobilen App Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch.
Offline-Karten in unserer mobilen App Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch.
Individuelle Karten und Anweisungszettel drucken Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch.
Erweiterte Abbiege-Benachrichtigungen für Garmin-Geräte Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch.
Erweiterte Werkzeuge zur Routenplanung und -bearbeitung Created with Sketch.
Globale Heatmap für den Web-Routenplaner Created with Sketch.
Persönliche Heatmap im Web-Routenplaner Created with Sketch.
Individuelle Hinweise und interessante Orte Created with Sketch.
In Web- und Mobilversionen integriertes Inspektionstool Created with Sketch.
Geschätzte Zeit Created with Sketch.
Verwaltung von Fahrten und Routen in großen Mengen Created with Sketch.
Fahrradwartungsprotokoll Created with Sketch.
Bereinigung von Fahrten Created with Sketch.
Private Segmente Created with Sketch.
Starter buchen Premium holen Basis holen

Mehr von unserer Community

  • Rob
    Love Ride with GPS, it has been a godsend for our cycling club. Thank you for a wonderful, versatile, user friendly product.
  • Deb
    I have so much fun exploring on my bike because of Ride with GPS. Thank you for all you do.
  • Jay
    Best overall cycling app out there—and I've tried 5-6 in earnest. Voice turn-by turn instruction is outstanding. Route Planner is a game changer. Web app is my primary cycling app, and the combined mobile & web functionality should meet just about any need. The integration with Garmin compliments that rich platform and devices. The integration with Strava further takes advantage of that platform strength.
  • Anne D
    Excellent app! Even if I keep my phone in my backpack and don't watch it, every time I do look at my phone, it's displaying the next cue. It even sounds an alarm if I miss a turn and go off-course. And the data analysis on recorded and saved rides is unmatched.
  • Steven
    I have used a number of similar apps and I am convinced this is the best. Used in conjunction with their web app, it has a near perfect array of features that have enabled me to locate, plan, and execute an endless collection of unique and interesting rides. All this while providing the right tools to keep me motivated.
  • Mike
    In case you don't hear this enough... your app is blowing my mind. I've been aware of your product for years, but I didn't ever try to use it myself to make routes until a few weeks ago. I now regret my wasted years of trying to force google maps to be a bike routing tool.
  • William
    Ride With GPS is wonderful, and I make it my mission to let others know that this is my tracking app of choice. I'd rather use Ride With GPS than even a dedicated bicycle computer.
  • Steve J
    My 1st one year renewal is coming up and I just wanted to say thank you for a great product. It works. Period. I use it for biking, paddling, hiking, cross country skiing and as a Google map substitute when I have no service. Amazing capability. User friendly. And reasonably priced. Oh, and by the way, I’m renewing!
  • Alison F
    Fantastic app! Intuitive, easy to use and navigate.
  • Frank
    As a cyclist I've found Ride GPS to be a desired and valuable part of my cycling kit. KEEP IT GOING!

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