INDOT Closures and Detours

INDOT Closures and Detours route path management

Welcome to INDOT's Organization Account. This is our central repository of Events, Closures and Detour Routes

Name conventions for Events and Routes:
Events are synonymous with INDOT contract and are comprised of the prefix, dash and number (such as R-12345). Events need to be a real and active contract in SPMS.

Route names follow the format TYPE_DES_DIRECTION_LEG
  • TYPE = C (Closure), D (Detour)
  • DES = 7 digit des number that is most relevant for this particular route. Should default to lead des unless there is a good reason to alter.
  • DIRECTION = I (Increasing), D (Decreasing), or B (Both directions) These values describe the travel direction(s) served and are based on the reference post numbers
  • LEG is 2 digits padded with zeros, starting at 01 and incremented if all other information in the name is already in use by another route (such as an MOT with multiple phases)
Example: C_1234567_I_01

Kevin Munro