E-bikes are for Everyone

Created by: Bicycle Network Tasmania

Mon. October 12 10:30AM—Mon. October 12, 2020, 11:30AM

Location: Online via Zoom

Organizers: Di Elliffe

E-bikes are a lot of fun, and a great way to get about for everyday transport and for recreation.
Here's an easy way to learn more about e-bikes and what they could do for you, via an online Zoom session. We'll show you what fun they are, what the various types are, how to choose the best type for your needs, and some features to look for.
We'll have a Q&A session at the end.

Pls RSVP here - just click on the RSVP box at the bottom.

Then, on Monday 12 October, at 10.30am, click on this link:

URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87638768347?pwd=c0xVMXcwU0pONHlVV3Rhd2QxT3Fjdz09