Tour de Cure Southwest Florida

Created by: Tampa Bay Tour de Cure

Sun. April 8, 2018

Location: St Petersburg, FL

Tour de Cure is more than just a cycling event. It's a life-changing event. A day full of fun and excitement where riders of all levels join forces in the fight to Stop Diabetes® and raise critical funds for diabetes research, education and advocacy in support of the American Diabetes Association.

The Tour is a ride, not a race. Whether you are an occasional rider or an experienced cyclist, there is a route just for you.

So take the Ride of Your Life and sign up today!

Tour de Cure is the American Diabetes Association’s signature cycling and the largest cycling event for diabetes in the country!  Tour de Cure is held in over 80-cities nationwide.  The Tour de Cure is about changing the future of diabetes.  Diabetes is America’s fastest growing disease and affects over 30 million Americans.

If you don’t know much about Tour de Cure, this will be our first year in St Petersburg and we recruit riders from Crystal River, Tampa Bay and on down to Naples, and we also have several  riders coming to join us from other parts of the country! 

  1. 10 Mile Route - Family Fun Ride -Start Time: 9:30AM
  2. 25 Mile Route - Start Time: 9:30 AM
  3. 50 Mile Route - Start Time: 7AM
  4. 62 Mile Route - Start Time: 7 AM
  5. 100 Mile Route - Start Time 7 AM (or what we get)

Fully supported by SAG vehicles, volunteer motorcyclists (Gold Wings Riders Association) and fully stocked Rest Stops!