Best Rides DC
The Best Bike Rides near Washington DC, Virginia and Baltimore at your fingertips!

Best Rides DC

Regional cycling guides by local cyclist Martín Fernández that detail the best bike rides near Washington D.C., Maryland and Virginia

Best Easy Bike Rides Washington, DC, Best Bike Rides Washington DCMountain Biking the Washington DC/Baltimore Area, and Mountain Biking Virginia are cycling guides by local rider Martin Fernandez that document the best bike rides near Washington DC, Baltimore and Virginia.

The guides offer readers a comprehensive list of the best bike rides (on and off-road) around the Washington D.C. and Baltimore areas and Virginia. All books include a ride list, along with detailed maps and directions, and other ride meta to help you get the best out of your outing.

This curated list of routes includes many of the rides detailed in the books along with other routes in the region. I've organized the routes into several collections, including:
  • Mountain Biking Virginia - This collection includes rides documented in and detailed in Mountain Biking Virginia. I also include several other routers that for one reason or another did not make it into the book.
  • Mountain Biking The Washington, DC/Baltimore Area - This collection includes rides documented in in Mountain Biking the Washington, DC/Baltimore Area Some rides in this collection aslo appear in the Mountain Biking Virginia collection, primarily rides in Northern Virginia
  • Gravel - These, for the most part, are rides that are not included in my books; there are some exceptions. Mountain Biking the Washington, DC/Baltimore Area included a section on gravel rides long before the explosive popularity of gravel riding.
  • Road and Path - This collection includes, you guessed it, road an path rides. Most of the rides in this collection are documented in detail in my second book, Best Bike Rides Washington, DC.
  • Best Easy Bike Rides DC - This is a collection of relatively easy bike rides for beginners and kids. Most of the rides in this collection are documented in detail in my latest book, Best Easy Bike Rides Washington, DC.
  • Destinations - This collection includes routes and trails I have visited that I think are worth sharing. Most are road trips outside the Washington, DC area worth sharing.
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The list of routes documented here is always evolving. If you have a route to recommend, or feel one should be updated, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.


I have made every effort to make these routes as accurate and useful as possible. However, many things can change after a route has been crafted—trails are rerouted, regulations change, techniques evolve, facilities come under new management, etc.

I would appreciate hearing from you concerning your experiences with these routes and how you feel they could be improved and kept up to date.
Best Rides DC