Welcome to our BCP and SCU Ride with GPS Club Account.

All active club members have access to our route library and may use premium navigation features on all club routes and events:

  • Voice Navigation in our mobile app
  • Offline Maps in our mobile app
  • PDF Maps + Cuesheets
  • Advanced turn Notifications with TCX files
  • Estimated time
  • [Club Account Member Benefits Page] (https://rideswithgps.com/help/club-benefits/)
Click the {Apply to Join] button above and to the right of this text to get started. Before you can use the site, your club membership must be verified. Requests for approval to use the site are usually processed several times a week.

George Yarnell and Curtis Schwartz are the site administrators. Chuck Herbert -- cherbert@ccp.edu (215-430-3222) -- may be able to help with any technical questions.
George Yarnell