Welcome to the New PV Club Site:

Welcome to Portland Velo Cycling Club’s “Club Site” on Ride with GPS – the home base for our club's cycling routes. We have hundreds of routes posted. From this site you can do a number of tasks helpful to you as a PV Officer and/or Ride leader – such as review routes, upload maps, cue sheets and Garmin files. A critical benefit is that when you are in the Club Site, using PV routes, you have full RwGPS Premium Access - independent of your personal account level - (free or paid).

How to Use the New PV Club Site:

The Club Site is organized like a personal RwGPS account with a Front Page and Working Pages for each route. The Working Pages are the same as you are used to in your personal RwGPS account. The Front Page is specifically designed to support club needs - mainly communication, event functionality & calendar and a searchable route library.
  • Front Page: The Front Page has three main sections, a member Messaging function, an Events/Calendar section showing upcoming club events/rides and a searchable Route Library containing all published club routes. The Event Box contains posted upcoming events and the routes being used. The Route Library contains a searchable datebase of all current PV routes. You can search for either tagged categories such as day of week, gravel, metrics or columns by ride length, elevation gain, and location.
  • Working Pages: There is a Working Page for each PV route. Clicking on "View" (next to the route) gets you to the detailed PV route page. From the route page you can look at the route in detail, print off a pdf, and upload tcx or gpx files to your device automatically (Garmin or phone app) using the premium Garmin Write function. For more detail go to the CLUB BENEFITS tutorial.

Useful Portland Velo Cycling Club Links

Operations Committee