Western Wheelers Bicycle Club
Palo Alto, California
The Western Wheelers Bicycle Club is based in Palo Alto, CA. More information about the club can be found at our Website

CLUB MEMBERSHIP: Western Wheelers Bicycle Club members in good standing can become "members" of our premium club account. Membership does not give full premium benefits, but when using a club route, members can print cue sheets and maps and get audible turn by turn directions.

Route naming convention:
Additional route information may be included in the Route Description. The club rating should be included. Events & Series (such as LDT/FFS/TET) will follow a different but consistent naming convention.
Route Naming Convention = "xxyy dddddd"
xx - is a two letter code for the starting point
yy - is the distance of the ride as computed by RideWithGPS (rounded)
dddddd - is the destination or rest stop for the ride. This can be of variable length but only a limited number of characters of a route name will be visible on a GPS device. For example, a Garmin 500 shows the first 12 characters of a route name.
Starting Point Codes:
BO = The Bicycle Outfitter, Loyola Corners
BP = Burgess Park, Menlo Park
CC = Campbell Community Center
CR = Cañada Road (at 92)
GH = Gunn HS, Palo Alto
GP = Grant Park and Community Center, Los Altos
HM = Half Moon Bay
LD = Lexington Dam
LS = Lexington School (gravel lot above the school)
MP = McKenzie Park, Los Altos
PH = Pioneer Hotel, Woodside
PP = Peers Park, Palo Alto
RA = Rainbow Park
RP = Rengstorff Park, Mountain View
SP = Shoup Park, Los Altos
SS = Sunnyvale Starbucks Mary@Fremont
UV = Uvas Reservoir, Morgan Hill
If you have a starting point that is not listed, just select an unused character combination that makes sense to you, and let the the curator know.

TAGS: The route archive system supports Tags. We will use tags to help categorize routes to help group routes and find routes.
Routes should be maintained by the route owner. The route owner should use a TAG to identify their route. Routes may be copied and modified. Tags must include starting location and name of person posting route. Tags may include general area of ride.

Questions, Comments or Suggestions should be forwarded to the curator Denis Lynch: rwgps@westernwheelers.org.

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