West Ouachita | Bikepacking | Rockgeist

Montgomery County, AR, US

Aperçu de l'itinéraire

Rockgeist - Bikepack USA

Bikepacking Routes

100 km
1 868 m

This star of this overnight route is the challenging, remote singletrack of the Western portion of the Ouachita (waa·shee·tuh) National Recration Trail. The Ouachita Trail boasts some of the best downhills in Arkansas with rugged, rocky climbs and descents while offering shelters along the way for a solid night's rest. After the Ouachita tests your resolve, bail off onto the IMBA Epic Womble singletrack where you'll enjoy smooth cross-country singletrack along river bluffs back to the start.

Détails de l'itinéraire

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