Highlands Traverse | Bikepacking | Rockgeist

Damascus, VA, US


Rockgeist - Bikepack USA

Bikepacking Routes

118 km
2.415 m

Big views, wild ponies, and chunky descents makes this overnight one of our favorites. The route starts off with a zen-like climb up the Virginia Creeper trail before entering Grayson Highlands State Park. Here you'll climb up to the Virginia Highlands for some of the highest (legal) moutain biking on the East Coast. You'll find big views, wild ponies, and exposed camp spots all while navigating challenging terrain. After camping you'll make your way back to Damascus via the infamous Iron Mountain Trail.

Challenging rating due to distance, sections of hike-a-bike, remote trail, chance of extreme weather.

The full write up can be found at rockgeist.com/routes/highlandstraverse

Submitted by Sean Wiggins



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