Cambridge, MA to New Hampshire All-Roads: 145 miles

Cambridge, MA, US

Resumen de ruta

Eastern Massachusetts All-Roads Cycling

Gravel and All-Roads Adventures from Greater Boston to Beyond...

233 km
2.081 m

A long ride from Cambridge, MA to the excellent dirt roads of southern New Hampshire, including Hilltop Cafe, multiple towns and farms, beautiful rail trails and going by the base of Pack Monadnock. Maximized for dirt roads. You can add on a climb of Pack Monadnock for a truly epic day, or split it into several days by bikepacking or staying at a hotel. Some roads that are gravel are listed as paved, so more like 40-50 miles of gravel. Three short sections of single-track and Class VI road mean that you need a bike with tires 35mm or wider.

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