Nahmakanta Lake and Second Roach Pond Loop from AMC Medawisla Lodge: 40 miles

Piscataquis County, ME, US


Eastern Massachusetts All-Roads Cycling

Gravel and All-Roads Adventures from Greater Boston to Beyond...

64 km
855 m

A 40 mile gravel ride in the Maine Woods from AMC's Medawisla Lodge and Cabins to beautiful Nahmakanta Lake, then back around Second and Third Roach Ponds, with an optional loop to Trout Pond. Nahmakanta Lake has a beautiful beach great for a swim and lunch. Excellent gravel roads in a very remote location. Medawisla lodge makes a great base camp for several days of gravel biking, hiking, canoeing and other outdoors activities. This is very remote country with little or NO CELL SERVICE. Would recommend travelling with others and knowing how to fix a flat, etc. as there is also not much road traffic if you have a breakdown. Can get water and snacks at the lodge, when they are open (both are open summer to fall).



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