Windmills and Waterfalls

Cazenovia, NY, US

Route Overview

Central NY Road Rides

Starting in beautiful Cazenovia

25 mi.
1,526 ft.

This route showcases the rural uplands and valleys of southern Madison County, a cycling paradise with paved roads but very little traffic. Mid or late spring is when Chittenango Falls (167 feet high) is most impressive; early October is the most colorful with all the sugar maples, sumacs and red oaks showing their oranges and reds. In summer farmlands are at their lushest and temperatures are usually moderate, though some days may reach the high 80s. Forget winter; roads are snow-covered

Route Details

The ride is best started by the shore of Cazenovia Lake at Lakeland Park in the quaint village of Cazenovia. Parking is available at the park, on village streets or behind the library. Restrooms are at the park. Ride east on Albany St. to the stoplight and turn right. The first 10 miles are mostly rolling farmland as you gradually climb to the Fenner windmills. About 5 miles out you’ll pass through the Nelson Swamp Unique Area. (It’s technically a fen with lots of cedars, hemlocks, white pines and rare flowers.) At the wind farm it’s worth stopping at the Fenner renewable energy education center. The windmill parts on display and the kiosk provide an interesting perspective. No cost and you get a chance to rest.

Brakes should be in good working order because the next segment includes a long, sometimes steep, downhill into Perryville with a stop sign part way down the hill. There is one ascent after Perryville and then another long descent all the way to Chittenango Falls State Park. On the way is a buffalo farm. Look for the animals on the right side of the road. On this road you’ll have a sweeping view of the valley. Stop at the State Park. It is free if you are on a bike; there are portapotties, but best of all is the view of the falls from the top. A short steep trail takes you to the bottom of the falls for another stunning view. Staying on NYS route 13 brings you back to Cazenovia with views of Chittenango Creek, one of the nicest trout fishing streams in the area. The shoulders are good.

In the Village there’s a whole line-up of eateries along Albany St. where you can fill up on popovers, soups, pizza, pastries, subs, sandwiches, salads. Look for the Seven Stone Steps at the Lincklaen House, the Pewter Spoon, the Latte Da!, Cazenovia Pizzeria, Dave’s Diner, Subway, and more.

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