Dalles Mountain and Klickitat Canyon

Klickitat County, WA, US

Route Overview


Bike adventures off the beaten path.

48 mi.
2,842 ft.

A jaunt to the top of Dalles Mountain and then a long, rugged descent down Swale Canyon and the Klickitat River on an old rail grade.

Route Details

A rugged variation on the Dalles Mountain 60, this route is a great winter & spring ride, but be prepared for some rough and sloppy conditions. Includes the fabulous Dalles Mountain climb, a new classic "O'Brien", and the spectacular Swale Canyon and Klickitat River rail trails.


  • Park at the Klickitat River trailhead in Lyle, WA and head east along Hwy 14 for 8 miles.
  • Head up the long, gradual Dalles Mountain gravel climb offering great views of the Columbia River Gorge and The Dalles.
  • Near the top veer onto the unmaintained and sloppy O'Brien road, descending down to the start of Swale Canyon.
  • From here you'll travel down into the remote canyon crossing wooden trestles and navigating rough terrain.
  • After stopping in Klickitat for refreshments continue on the trail as it follows the river, the surface will gradually get smoother as you get closer to the trailhead at mile 48.


  • WARNING: Some riders of this route have encountered wire fencing across O'Brien road near the top of Dalles Mtn. It may be hard to see (unmarked) and is at head height.
  • Great all year around, this far east in the gorge the weather is usually sunnier and drier than the Portland region. But there's still a good chance for frost and fog in mid-winter as you can see in the photos!
  • I've done this trail on both a cross bike and a mountain bike, and it's not very pleasant on cross tires.
  • Take a short detour right before Klickitat to investigate the historic soda springs.
  • Great fishing on the Klickitat River.

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