Around Chilhowee Mountain

Knoxville, TN, US

Route Overview

Rollin' Appalachia

Exploring Southern Appalachia on two wheels

71 mi.
3,879 ft.

A rolling ride that circumnavigates Chilhowee Mountain. You'll ride through farmland and iconic hollars of East Tennessee

Route Details

South Knoxville is home to 100's of miles of excellent roads to ride. This route will take you through some of South Knoxville's most popular riding areas and give you a good sampling of rural Tennessee riding. The route is best descrided as a rolling route through farm country with a few "Hollars" thrown in to give you a full helping of East Tennessee.

Chilhowee Mountain is the first true mountain you come to when traveling south from Knoxville. It's visible from a ways out and you can usually use it as a reference point to keep you oriented. This ride is going to circumnavigate a portion of the mountain, so by East Tennessee terms, there are no "big" climbs. From the profile, it appears as though there is a gigantic climb and descent, but in reality, that climb, although lengthy, has a gentle grade.

This route, due to its length, obviously requires decent fitness to complete. Once you start going around the mountain, there are no shortcuts to take, so be sure you have the legs to make it home before getting too far into the ride.

The route leaves from Charter Doyle Park, just a few mile from downtown Knoxville. The park has ample parking and a bathroom.


  • Almost directly across from the parking lot is Brown Road. Brown, known for continuous up and downs, will get you warmed up quickly.
  • Old Walland Hwy is a very popular road for cyclists to ride. It follows the Little River and is pretty flat. It has been used many times in the past for time trial races.
  • E Millers Cove contains the biggest climbs of this route. The first portion is steeper (but shorter) and the latter part is a long, creek grade climb. There are a few rough sections of asphalt on the climb, but since you're moving slower, they aren't too bad. This is a nice section since you're climbing in a valley with very little development.
  • Once you hit the high point on E Millers Cove, get ready for an awesome section of road. Waldens Creek Road twists and turns, mostly down (with a few ups) through foothills farm country for over 7 miles. If you have a tailwind for this section, you're in for a real treat... you won't be able to stop smiling...super fun.
  • Sevierville Rd can be busy at times. You're only on it for a short distance and you are descending, so it goes by quickly.


  • Spring, summer, and fall are the best seasons to do this ride. Winter is iffy since the Hollars stay cold and roads may have ice on them.
  • Be sure to get water when you can as facilities are limited. There is a convenience store just off route on Old Walland Hwy and also on Goose Gap Rd. There's also a spring on E Millers Cove but drinking untreated water is up to you. There also a church with a spigot toward the end of the ride to top off if needed.
  • You may want to avoid this route if you have strong wind coming from the east since E millers Cove and Waldens Creek generally go in a west to east direction.

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