St Girard's Square

Brooklyn Park, MN, US

Route Overview


Routes where you can fly like a bird

11 mi.
126 ft.

This is a nice short "clockwise loop" route thru Brooklyn Park and Brooklyn Center on roads only. Ride Starts from the parking area behind the BP Ice Arena,
5600 85th Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN 55443
Park on Edinbrook Terr. side near the old library at 8400 Zane Av.

I believe there are only about 5 turns, all to the right, so it is a very easy route to follow. Nice shoulder areas, low traffic, and sidewalk trails, if you choose. An easy one hour ride. Avoid rush hour traffic.
Reststop: Bill's Superette at Xerxes and Brookdale Dr, mi 8
Start: Brooklyn Park Ice Arena near Zane Av & Brooklyn Terr.

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