Ohio to Erie Trail Organization
326 Miles of Adventure

Welcome to the Ohio to Erie Trail organization's Ride with GPS Page

If you are looking for our Ride with GPS files for the official Ohio to Erie Trail route, you will find northbound or southbound options on our website at https://ohiotoerietrail.org/OTET_RWGPS

Collections of Routes:
*Collections in progress, check back for more options. (as of March 2024)

If using the 4 part files, read this hint:
  • To start in Cincinnati = Northbound: the first file is OTET_NB_South and the 4th is OTET_NB_North
  • To start in Cleveland = Southbound: the first file is OTET_SB_North and the 4th is OTET_SB_South

Visitor Features available:
  • Voice Navigation for Tourism account routes in the RWGPS mobile app
  • Offline Maps in the mobile app
  • PDF Maps + cuesheets

If you are interested in following Adventure Cycling's US Bicycle Routes:
Explore USBR 50, or USBR 50A for an east-west option
Choose USBR 21 for southwest to northeast, mostly follows the Ohio to Erie Trail.

USBR 50: Cross state, 310 miles

USBR 50 Alternative goes north of the Hoover Reservoir, 28 miles

USBR 21: Cross state southwest to northeast, 374 miles

Ohio to Erie Trail Office