Buckhorn Canyon with Poudre Canyon Horesetooth Mt return.

Loveland, CO, US

Route Overview

LOCO Bike Guide

Free Northern Colorado guide service

69 mi.
5,105 ft.

This ride features the remoteness of the cat 1 climb up Buckhorn Canyon, a great descent into Poudre canyon, the powerful Cache La Poudre River and a roller coaster ride along the hogbacks beside Horsetooth Reservoir. Parking is free at devils backbone. Get water lunch and beer at the Mishawaka (mile 30.2) and refill water at Horsetooth Mt Park (mile 59.4).

Route Details

  • Park at Devil's backbone Open space on US 34 one mile west of the westernmost traffic light in Loveland where parking is free.
  • Buckhorn canyon is so remote that I must remind myself that Deliverance was set in the deep south not in Colorado. Buckhorn Canyon is a series of small climbs that is Cat 1 overall.
  • The descent of Stove Prairie Rd into the Poudre canyon is exhilarating.
  • The Mishawaka restaurant has a spectacular deck over the Poudre river where you can often view big horn sheep. The food, atmosphere and beer are fantastic (my favorite is the Wahoo Ono sandwich).
  • After lunch continue down the Poudre canyon, turn right on 287 and again in a mile on 54E to take the back way into Bellvue .
  • Be sure to stop at the Howling Cow Cafe for the best coffee in northern Colorado (and to see the customers only parking signage).
  • Return Via County Road 23 and 38E which adds a few short challenging hills but the views of Horsetooth reservoir are well worth the extra effort.
  • You can get water at the Mish, howling cow and Horsetooth Mt Park .
  • A two mile section through the narrows of Buckhorn canyon was closed for 15 months after the flooding but was re-opened in December 2014; repaving overations were completed in June 2015. You need to download this route in advance because it is remote with no cell coverage in Buckhorn or Poudre canyons.


The Stove Prairie descent has sharp blind curves. This descent is much safer since the cattle guards were removed in 2015.

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