Crow Creek

Joseph, OR, US, Enterprise , Oregon, US, Wallowa Lake


Mountain Works Bicycles LLC

Be Happy, Be Healthy, Make a Difference.

36 km
208 m

Fanning out from the base of the Wallowa Mountains between Joseph and Enterprise, Oregon are the lovely Tenderfoot Valley and Alder Slope. The low traffic flow and delightfully aged pavement make possible a smooth memorable tour with breath taking views of snow caped peeks, hay fields, barns and everyday rural living.


This charming route starts in Joseph, Oregon. Ride east on Oregon Highway 350, the Imnaha Highway, toward Imnaha and Ferguson Ridge. The bustle of Joseph is quickly forgotten as the back of the Wallowa Lake Moraine, Mount Howard, Bonneville Mountain and Chief Joseph Mountain frame antiquated barns, old farmsteads and hayfields. The starting gradual rise of 198 feet over 4.45 miles is one of the few uphill sections of the ride. Turn north on Tenderfoot Valley Road steering clear of Pine Tree Gulch and Sheep Creek Hill.

Roll down Tenderfoot Valley Road a little over two miles taking in the solar panels and escaped daisies. When it looks like the smooth ride is over, veer west on Bicentennial Lane. Wave to the fishermen enjoying the nearby irrigation canal and continue the gradual descent to Dobbin Road. Dobbin Road is unmarked but Bicentennial Lane butts into it and terminates. Travel north for more downhill pleasure-continuing straight onto Rancho Road, until arriving at Crow Creek Road.

Pedal west on Crow Creek Road as it flirts with Zumwalt Prairie, Prarie Creek and yet more beautiful vistas before it ends at the Joseph Highway 82. Cross Oregon Highway 82 with care then continue the downtrend on Eggleson Lane. Eggleson Lane brings riders remarkably close to Enterprise and for an elongated route; a side trip to the delightful downtown is always a culinary pleasure. Wave to the grinning railrider cyclists on the county owned Joseph Branch Rail Line then turn south on Hurricane Creek Road.

Hurricane Creek Road heralds the termination of the gradual descent and marks the beginning of the final 389.66-foot elevation gain to Joseph. Before panicking, realize this elevation gain is distributed over four miles. Traveling south on Hurricane Creek Road is worth every thought of effort as the Wallowa Mountains boom out of Alder Slope and the ground squirrels and baby horses keep you company. The paved version of Hurricane Creek Road morphs into Airport Lane at the quaint Hurricane Creek Grange and rolls back into Joseph past the local airport. Small unique planes that land well at high altitudes with a short landing strip frequent the airport and offer a bit of eye candy.

This short yet beautiful ride finishes as cyclists once again arrive in Joseph, Oregon. Be sure to celebrate a great ride by taking in the beautiful bronze statues, a dip in the lake or sample some of the local cuisine.

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