Pelverata - Cygnet - Channel Tour

Hobart, Tasmania, AU

Aperçu de l'itinéraire

Bicycle Network Tasmania

Discover Tasmania on two wheels

148 km
2 581 m

This is a lovely 150 km ride from Hobart to Cygnet and back, prioritising quieter country roads and scenic destinations. There are a number of steep hills and several short sections of gravel (shown in Green). A lot of climbing, good for e-bikes and fit riders. Goes through lovely forests and coastal scenery. Recommended as three days: Day 1 Hobart to Cygnet; Day 2 Cygnet to Woodbridge or Kettering (where you can jump off to visit Bruny Island); Day 3 Kettering to Hobart. A nice one day ride could be created by turning around at Pelverata, or simply continuing from Sandfly through to Margate.

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