Leipers Fork Challenge

Williamson County, TN, US

Aperçu de l'itinéraire

71 km
930 m

This route has it all - beautiful wide-open ranchland and tree-lined ridge roads, challenging climbs and fast descents, smooth pavement and bumpy chipseal. It also includes 13 miles of the Natchez Trace Parkway. The variety on this ride is fantastic, but be advised that quite a few of the climbs are super steep, with grades reaching close to 20%. Despite these challenges, we highly recommend this route, as it showcases everything that Middle Tennessee has to offer in one beautiful ride. Starting at Historic Leipers Fork is an added bonus - this tiny community is centered around the immensely popular Fox & Locke restaurant and music venue. Leipers Fork also has a couple of art galleries, a spa, and a wine-tasting room featuring local wines.

Détails de l'itinéraire

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