Six Lakes Tour

Cazenovia, NY, US

Aperçu de l'itinéraire

Central NY Road Rides

Starting in beautiful Cazenovia

71 km
784 m

A true lake-lover’s ride, this route features six bodies of water, beginning with Cazenovia Lake, a natural lake, and including Erieville Reservoir that was created in 1850 as a feeder for the Erie Canal and 4 other reservoirs designed as feeders for the Chenango Canal. Not as famous as the Erie Canal, the Chenango was connected to the Erie and served 18 towns between Utica and Binghamton in the days before trains. There are two big ascents, otherwise the terrain is gently rolling. Eaton is the only place on the route to re-fuel. Spring, summer, and autumn are the best (and only) times to do this loop. Rural southern Madison County is noted for its network of paved, low-traffic roads, scenic vistas and recently a revival of its once thriving hops farming.

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