I’ve never been a racer, rather, I’m a lifelong commuter/urbanist, occasional old school cycle tourist, infrequent bikepacker (there is a big difference), former mountain biker and former part time randonneur. The “former” bits are down to a totally unexpected cardio infarc of the left anterior descend artery, “the widow maker,” in late 2020. I have recently (and reluctantly) added a “full euro” pedal assist kit to my super modified Reid Urban X2 urban-turned-tourer. I have decided to turn my RWGPS account to being a blog for my cardio recovery since electrifying my bike. This electrification in late April 2024 has allowed me to get comfortably back to my pre-heart-attack urban/training endurance and I hope to find my way back to my 60 mile / 100km daily endurance while travelling. As a wild camper tourist, this will probably involve on-the-go solar, which I’ll write more about over at https://shinyhappyrainbows.com and my GitHub (Crunchysteve) as I develop it.
I am a “weirdbeard” rider, think an Australian version of the web comic series, Yehuda Moon.