ORC Adventure Tour

Portland, OR, US

Aperçu de l'itinéraire


Picking up where the Goonies left off

863 km
11 396 m

ORC (Oregon Cascades) Adventure Tour.

The goal of this route was to make a ~38c smooth tire compatible passage down the Cascades on both the western and eastern sides. While there are some trails, lots of gravel, there's also quite a bit of nice smooth pavement of the single lane variety. That said, there are extremely rough sections and a bit of sand as well. Some sections are difficult -- especially on skinny-ish tires. Despite this, given the overall scope I would do it again on a cross / rando bike or similar setup. A mountain bikepacking setup is a little overkill - but would certainly open up more rough potential on the trails.

Détails de l'itinéraire

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