Join Ride with GPS and discover even more new routes and riding buddies. Print turn-by-turn cue sheets so you know where you are heading. And then, log your rides and watch your progress.
今天把放在腳踏車店(hoi quan xe dap的戰馬牽回來,換了鏈條/飛輪組/全車清潔潤滑(特別是大盤及後變速腿),全車煥然一新,感覺好得不得了.吃完晚飯,換好行裝,開始準備她的第二春的第一次路跑,跑著跑著狀況開始出來.停紅燈再起步一貫的大腳踩出,突然發出很大的聲響,前腳有踩空的感覺,而且是跳過好幾齒再卡進來正確的齒位,著實嚇了一跳,接著再跑一段我變變速再快速加速,這次更糟糕,又是跳齒跳空,竟造成大盤落鏈.自己再裝上去,不敢重踩,慢慢加速,事實還是可以超過40kph,但是在騎乘過程中,只要突然想要超過他人,忽然的重踩都會造成跳速(多齒的跳速),跟更換前鏈條拉長,有時跳個一兩齒不大一樣.陸陸續續發生多次.造成我都不敢大力踩踏.
By: | trieu |
Started in: | Phường 8, Bình Dương, VN |
Distance: | 31.5 km |
Selected: | 31.5 km |
Elevation: | + 179 / - 200 m |
Moving Time: | 01:02:26 |
Page Views: | 62 |
Departed: | Jul 11, 2014, 2:03 am |
Starts in: | Phường 8, Bình Dương, VN |
Distance: | 31.5 km |
Selected distance: | 31.5 km |
Elevation: | + 179 / - 200 m |
Max Grade: | |
Avg Grade | |
Cat | |
VAM | |
Ascent time | |
Descent time | |
Total Duration: | 01:04:41 |
Selection Duration: | 3881 |
Moving Time: | 01:02:26 |
Selection Moving Time: | 01:02:26 |
Stopped Time: | 00:02:15 |
Max Speed: | 41.7 kph |
Avg Speed: | 30.3 kph |
Pace: | 00:02:03 |
Moving Pace: | 00:01:58 |
Best format for turn-by-turn directions on modern Garmin Edge Devices
Best format for turn by turn directions on Edge 500, 510. Will provide true turn by turn navigation on Edge 800, 810, 1000, Touring including custom cue entries. Great for training when we release those features. Not currently optimal for Virtual Partner.
Useful for uploading your activity to another service, keeping records on your own computer etc.
Useful for any GPS unit. Contains no cuesheet entries, only track information (breadcrumb trail). Will provide turn by turn directions (true navigation) on the Edge 705/800/810/1000/Touring, but will not have any custom cues. Works great for Mio Cyclo. Find GPS specific help in our help system.
Ride this route frequently? Select the ride (or a section of it) in the elevation profile and create a segment to compare your ride performance against yourself (and others).
Estimated Time shows a prediction of how long it would take you to ride a given route. This number is based on your recent riding history, and represents an estimate of moving time. Each time you upload a new ride, your Estimated Time profile will adjust to reflect your most recent riding. Only rides exceeding 10 miles (16 km) will affect these estimates.
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