Yes! Get the Ride with GPS mobile app for iPhone and Android to start recording rides and viewing the cue sheets for your routes.

Get it on Google Play
  1. Sign into the app using the same e-mail address and password that you have set up on the website.
    Your list of rides and routes will sync automatically.
  2. Tap ROUTES to see you list of routes.
  3. Tap the name of the route you wish to view.
  4. Swipe from right to left the lower area to switch between the route metrics, elevation profile, and cue sheet.
  5. cues-viewing
Upgrade to Basic or Premium to get Turn-by-turn Voice Navigation and many other features on the mobile app and website.

Cues while navigating a route

With Turn by Turn navigation, you’ll get prompted and have the cue spoken when nearing each cue along the route.
Swipe upwards while navigating to get full screen list of cues.

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