The Regional Embed is the cornerstone of the Tourism account. Once you’ve got your route library and POI library populated with your region’s best routes and points of interest, you can use them to generate an interactive map that you can embed on your website. Using the regional embed, visitors to your site can see the best routes in your area, click through to access individual routes which they can then navigate on the Ride with GPS app or their cycling computer, or print out a map and full cuesheet.

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Before you get started, make sure your tourism account should have a filled-out Route Library and POI Library with a liberal use of tags on all items to be shown on the map.

Learn more about the Route Library
Learn more about the POI Library

Getting Started:

  1. Sign into the Tourism Account
  2. Go to the EMBED LIBRARY
  4. Give your embed a name.
    This is what will show up in the Embed Library and the top of the embed.
  5. Adding POIs

  6. Select a Route Tag from the drop-down list.
  7. Click ADD.
  8. This will show all routes with your chosen tag. Don’t see any routes? Go back to your route library and check your route tagging.

    Route Colors

    The route colors and links are assigned automatically, but you can change these settings to your liking.

  9. Click EDIT
  10. Click the color swatch or CUSTOM to bring up the color picker. You can choose a hue on the right and adjust the shade on the left. Or you can enter the hex value of the color to match your brand colors on the web.

    Customize links on Routes

    You get to pick where the link goes when someone clicks a route. It can be anchored in the page or a different page entirely. The default link goes the the full route page.

  11. Enter your Custom URL Link in the text field.
  12. Click SAVE
  13. Add POI

    Restrictive POI (optional)
    Restrict the POI categories to a specific tag. E.g. input “Portland” to show only Portland tagged POIs on any category.

    Category POI

  14. Select the POI tags you want displayed on the map into a category
  15. Click Add to have them displayed on the map and a tab on the bottom of the map. Each category will be listed under the chooser along with it’s status and an option to remove it.
  16. Customize Your Map

  17. Select your preferred map style from the list.
  18. Select the Units in Imperial or Metric
  19. Embed Code

  20. Click the button EMBED CODE to get the html you’ll need for your website.
  21. Managing your Embed Library

    Every embed you create for your organization will be listed in your Embed Library.
    Listed by the Name you’ve given the Embed, it’s creation date, the Route Tag, and categories displayed.

  22. Click EDIT to change anything about an existing embed.
  23. To delete an embed.

  24. Check the box next to the embed to be deleted.
  25. Click DELETE.
  26. Deleting an embed cannot be undone!