Do you have routes that include ferries, trains, or other modes of transportation? Now Premium and Basic subscribers can exclude these sections of rides and routes from their metrics, making it easier to plan and get accurate stats from multi-modal trips.

Premium subscribers can use Exclude from Metrics on planned routes and recorded rides.

Basic subscribers can use Exclude from Metrics only on their planned routes.

Exclude from Metrics

Select the part of the ride or route to be excluded from the distance and elevation totals. This can be the part of the route that includes riding the ferry, taking a bus, light rail, or train.
Click and drag in the elevation profile area to select the part that will be excluded from the route or ride totals.

Refine your selection with the handles.




The section that is now excluded will show up as a light-gray line on the map. It will also make the affected part of the elevation profile gray.




Include in Metrics

You can undo any exclusion by making the selection again and use INCLUDE IN METRICS.
Click and drag across the elevation profile to select the part that was excluded.




The selection now includes this part of the ride or route to be calculated into the metrics.


Can I use Exclude from Metrics on a train ride? This feature can applied to any mode of transportation that is not the activity you want to track. Ferry rides, trains, light rail, bus, subway, automobiles, and so on.
The distance in the metrics area doesn’t match the distance in the cue sheet, why not? The cue sheet has the distances marked as if you have continued recording the ride on your GPS, this way the distances match while navigating.

Can I specify the mode of transportation used during this excluded section? We recommend using an annotation to note the transportation type.

How many sections in one ride or route can I exclude? There are no set limits to the number of excluded sections but eventually your elevation graph will look more like a zebra than a hilly route.

Will excluding sections of rides affect my career stats? Yes, any distances excluded from recorded rides will affect your career stats. Excluding parts of routes does not affect your career stats.

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