Join Ride with GPS and discover even more new routes and riding buddies. Print turn-by-turn cue sheets so you know where you are heading. And then, log your rides and watch your progress.
sunday ride-西貢亂亂走,Q5-Q6-Q8-Q7-Q4-Q1 di vong vong Sai gon。今天星期天,跟著第一任龍捲風馬克瓶隊長一起晨運。我好像不太記得,上次的團騎是那時候了?雖然只有兩個人,但也覺得快樂無比。跟他在Cau Lo Gom橋下道別,我過橋到第八郡,再沿著阮文靈大道到達第七郡,買個早餐,專程去洗車,車子實在是太髒了。再不洗就快變成古董垃圾車了。接著再進入第四郡,過橋,再進入第一郡,沿著吳文傑東西大道回到第五郡住處,完成今天的亂亂騎乘路線,看起來就像一支大旗子,各位可以看看。在最後路段,衝刺一下,雖然車多,但也有達到44kph以上的速度。通體舒暢。等會兒就練練黑管、笛子。若還有體力,可以考慮去遊游泳。
By: | trieu |
Started in: | Phường 7, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, VN |
Distance: | 54.5 km |
Selected: | 54.5 km |
Elevation: | + 343 / - 377 m |
Moving Time: | 02:08:18 |
Page Views: | 188 |
Departed: | May 25, 2014, 12:59 pm |
Starts in: | Phường 7, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, VN |
Distance: | 54.5 km |
Selected distance: | 54.5 km |
Elevation: | + 343 / - 377 m |
Max Grade: | |
Avg Grade | |
Cat | |
VAM | |
Ascent time | |
Descent time | |
Total Duration: | 02:55:56 |
Selection Duration: | 10556 |
Moving Time: | 02:08:18 |
Selection Moving Time: | 02:08:18 |
Stopped Time: | 00:47:38 |
Max Speed: | 71.6 kph |
Avg Speed: | 25.5 kph |
Pace: | 00:03:13 |
Moving Pace: | 00:02:21 |
Best format for turn-by-turn directions on modern Garmin Edge Devices
Best format for turn by turn directions on Edge 500, 510. Will provide true turn by turn navigation on Edge 800, 810, 1000, Touring including custom cue entries. Great for training when we release those features. Not currently optimal for Virtual Partner.
Useful for uploading your activity to another service, keeping records on your own computer etc.
Useful for any GPS unit. Contains no cuesheet entries, only track information (breadcrumb trail). Will provide turn by turn directions (true navigation) on the Edge 705/800/810/1000/Touring, but will not have any custom cues. Works great for Mio Cyclo. Find GPS specific help in our help system.
Ride this route frequently? Select the ride (or a section of it) in the elevation profile and create a segment to compare your ride performance against yourself (and others).
Estimated Time shows a prediction of how long it would take you to ride a given route. This number is based on your recent riding history, and represents an estimate of moving time. Each time you upload a new ride, your Estimated Time profile will adjust to reflect your most recent riding. Only rides exceeding 10 miles (16 km) will affect these estimates.
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