When you find a great route or ride but want to change parts of it to suit your planning needs, you can copy this as a route to your profile and edit it without affecting the original. Copying a route will include all cues, custom cues, points of interest, and optionally all photos associated with the original ride or route.

Copying a Route to my Route Library

    While viewing any Route on Ride with GPS:

  2. Optional: Change the route name, privacy, pin it, include photos from the original route.

    All cues, points of interest (POI), and custom cues will be copied.

  3. Click COPY TO MY ROUTES to finish.
  4. After the copying process is complete, you’ll get a confirmation box.
  5. You’ll find the copy ready for you under ROUTES

For more information about route planning and editing, make sure to check out Create a Route and Advanced Route Planning.

Copying a Ride to my Routes

While viewing any Ride

  • Click COPY TO MY ROUTES, and it will convert the Ride into a Route for editing.
  • Copying a Ride allows you to change it to a route that can edited, traced, and have cue sheets generated so that it can be followed by the mobile app, Garmin devices, and have a map & cue sheet printed out.

    Premium subscribers can trace a copy of a ride or route to generate cues using the Prepare for Tracing tool. To learn more about tracing a ride into a route, check out Turning a Ride into a Route with Cue Sheets.

    View Original

    Whenever you are viewing a route that is a copy, then the VIEW ORIGINAL link will show up in the right side panel.
    Clicking this link will take you to the original ride or route.
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