Privacy Zones

Using Privacy Zones is another tool you can use to control your privacy. You can use these to obscure sensitive locations like your home, school, or workplace. Starter accounts will be able to create up to 3 Privacy Zones and

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Garmin eTrex 20/30/35/Touch

The eTrex is a sturdy GPS unit that is great for all sorts of uses. It runs off of AA batteries so you never have to worry about charging the device or not being able to keep it powered on

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Automatic Ride Sync with Garmin Connect

Automatically synchronize your rides from Garmin Connect to Ride with GPS. Synchronizing with Garmin Connect is a one-way process. It will take rides from your device, synchronize it to Garmin Connect, then transfer it over to Ride with GPS. The

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Export File Formats

Every Ride and Route on Ride with GPS can be downloaded to your computer as a TCX Course, TCX History, FIT Course, GPX Track, CSV, or KML. What do these all mean? TCX AND FIT FILES There are two versions

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The Elevation Profile for Routes

The Elevation Profile offers so much more than just analyzing the difficulty of hills. Interacting with the profile allows you to make selections, place cues, create segments, trim the route, change the color of a route, and more. Outline: Mouse-over

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Switching Map Styles

When you’re planning a route or viewing a route/ride, you can switch map styles to work in your preferred style. Not all maps have the same routing functionality, so switching maps allows you to gain additional information, or work around

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Combining and Splitting Routes

Premium subscribers can combine multiple routes or split a long route into many using our simple split and combine tools. For advanced route splitting where you can retain all cue and POI data, please use the Advanced Route Splitting Tool.

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Turn a ride into a route with cuesheet

Using our tracing feature you can take that great ride and use it as a template to generate a route, complete with a cuesheet and copies of the photos you took along the way. A great way to share your adventure with a friend who might benefit from some navigational help.

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How do I log a ride manually or from another device?

Sometimes it happens…your GPS device won’t turn on, you forgot to hit record on the mobile app — whatever it may be, you can still track your mileage on the site. Click UPLOAD on the left side of your navigation

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Improving GPS Accuracy on Android

If you think it is taking a long time to get a lock on your location when using our mobile application, it may be due to your device’s GPS settings. We recommend setting it to High Accuracy. Go to Settings

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How do I upload files to Ride with GPS

This page is now redirected to Uploading rides is easy, whether you captured your ride on your smartphone or on your Garmin unit. If you’re uploading from your Garmin, simply connect your Garmin to your computer and click Upload

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